Growing maize as a cash crop requires reasonable sale prices, low input costs (particularly fertilizer) and farmers having some financial reserves.
A state judge overturned regulations today that would have required farmers, restaurants, hotels and other businesses to notify the public when they planned to use pesticides.
That would make a shambles of related "voluntary" programs like those requiring farmers to accept soil conservation rules in order to remain eligible for subsidies.
In 1896 the town passed an ordinance which required local farmers to fence in their livestock.
This repealed the Trespass Act of 1850, which had required farmers to protect their planted fields from free-ranging cattle.
Drugs on the other hand require farmers, chemists, and often smugglers.
It was not enhanced when he supported unpopular federal legislation requiring farmers to plant less wheat, part of an international agreement aimed at addressing worldwide oversupply.
The all-in/all-out breeding method isn't controversial, but it requires farmers to completely reconfigure their breeding compounds - not to mention their way of thinking.
How, they ask, could a product that appears to be safe to consumers and raises productivity without requiring farmers to make major investments cause such commotion?
The government decision includes a provision that requires farmers planting such seeds to acknowledge that they, and not the government, are responsible for any such payments.