You'll require considerable finesse, but the extra effort ought to be worthwhile.
Finding the factors of much larger numbers is a task requiring great mathematical finesse.
The art of the calabash is a new technique whose handling requires dexterity and finesse.
Effective trail braking requires finesse from the rider, which can be difficult to learn.
But explosives are quick and a bribe sometimes requires time and finesse.
It requires not only practice, but also finesse and some guesswork, primarily because drivers cannot see exactly where they are going.
(30) But launching a new cigarette in today's climate of disapproval requires finesse.
This could require considerable finesse at times, which was why practice was so important.
Paradoxically, it requires even further dexterity and finesse from hairdressers.
As the evening progresses, though, it requires considerable finesse to disguise the fact that there is something sour at its center.