That aside, it seems like the containment vessel, at least, is a "not-so-passive" system that requries pumps after 36 hours, and those pumps require fuel-fed generators.
That means 800 big containers a week, up from 400, requiring temporary generators to power the cooling units, as well as a quick expansion of ground space.
Firstly, devices requiring different voltages required specialized generators with their own separate lines.
The gravity-control fields in the Houses of Peace required heavy generators and a great deal of power.
To reduce voltage distortion, this requires heavier mains wiring or generators more than twice as large as the UPS.
Electric motors of increasing efficiency were constructed throughout the 19th century, but commercial exploitation of electric motors on a large scale required efficient electrical generators and electrical distribution networks.
The new technology of the time was electric lighting, so the new cars required the addition of electrical wiring, switches, switchboards, generators, and batteries.
Larger RVs with multiple air conditioners require generators with 6,000 and more watts of capacity.
That plan would also require large generators to accept a decrease of 30 percent in the amount they are owed for electricity sales, something generators have balked at.
The absence of a pneumatic system simplifies the design, but high demand for electricity requires heavier generators.