Shrinking budgets have increased competition for scarce resources, requiring managers to make tough resource allocation decisions that may affect program delivery.
The program also requires regional general managers to conduct monthly town-hall meetings that are open to every worker in the area.
Trimming waste requires productivity improvements, which in turn require skilled managers and intricate negotiations with municipal unions.
To do this requires managers, consultants, and juniors to move in the same direction.
The company is also reducing management jobs, deferring management salary increases and requiring managers to contribute to their health plans beginning in 1995.
Decentralization has started but it requires trained managers, which the Soviets don't have yet.
Modernizing the Soviet economy will require better managers.
A big gathering might require an organizing committee, regional managers and delegates for specific meals and responsibilities.
And home-office staffs are usually a mélange of nationalities requiring managers with broad cultural understanding.
Traditional games only allow managers to make a few trades per season and often require managers to set their line-ups a week at a time.