The agency is considering requiring manufacturers to indicate on the label the amount of protein and powder in their gloves.
However, the FDA is also expected to require manufacturers of these devices to submit safety and effectiveness information in the near future.
Is it not time that the Government forced the pace and, if necessary, made regulations requiring manufacturers to incorporate safety procedures?
The Montreal Convention 1991 is an international agreement requiring manufacturers of explosives to do this.
For years, the Federal Government has been requiring manufacturers to produce more efficient appliances.
The regulations would require manufacturers to build sport utility vehicles to meet miles-per-gallon standards, to be determined.
Its goal could hardly be less objectionable: the law requires manufacturers, retailers and others to tell people when they are exposed to certain carcinogens.
Free formats, which do not require manufacturers or music distributors to pay a fee, are available, though less widely supported.
They do so, he added, through trade barriers, tax breaks and local-content laws that require foreign manufacturers, including Americans, to use locally made supplies.
A fourth provision would require dealers, manufacturers and importers to provide a child safety lock with every gun.