Of approximately 6,000 entering freshmen, 10 percent require remediation in the areas of reading, English and mathematics.
Those who score lower are quite likely to require remediation, a path that reduces the likelihood that they will graduate.
But the lengthy and typically expensive Superfund process requires remediation for the entire property.
The other struggling 20 percent are headed toward difficulties that will require remediation.
But of all the schools tested so far, Mr. Frucher said, only one had required extensive remediation, while scores have needed minor repairs.
Usually the laws and regulations required far more environmental remediation than some think is necessary to reuse brown-field properties for commercial or industrial purposes.
Some of the soil and sediment on the bases have extremely high levels of dioxin requiring remediation.
Teachers who make voluminous corrections give a "true" sense of the extent to which students require remediation, but such feedback can be overwhelming.
Doesn't it seem backward not to allow children a better start but only later require remediation?
Below that, students are likely to require remediation, reducing their chances of eventually graduating.