The measure would also require restaurants that seat more than 50 people to set aside a quarter of their tables for nonsmokers.
And they would have required restaurants with 51 or more seats to set up nonsmoking areas.
Would have required restaurants to post, within 15 feet of the main entrance, a menu and a price list.
Imagine the public benefit in requiring restaurants to provide full nutritional information next to every dish on the menu.
"Our measure to require certain restaurants to label calories will help customers make more informed choices," the department said in a statement last night.
France requires restaurants to provide no-smoking areas, though the rules are often flouted.
They also point to city zoning rules that require restaurants and shops on the street level of new commercial developments.
And they would require restaurants with 51 or more seats to set up a nonsmoking area.
You can make a case for a law requiring restaurants to tell people what's in their food.
South Carolina is the only state to require restaurants and bars to serve liquor from the miniature bottles used most often by commercial airlines.