The test (see requires sending in a sample of cells brushed from the inside of the cheek.
But until about 15 years ago, it required sending a worker to attach a meter to the feeder or simply to listen to the transformer.
That will require sending those 20,000 to 40,000 additional troops right away.
Zeos, reached through an 800 number, tried to help, but it required sending the computer back for repair, a worrisome inconvenience.
Internetworking requires sending data from the source network to the destination network.
Solving the puzzles requires sending the main character back in time to coordinate with previous selves.
Beginning a private conversation ordinarily requires sending a private message to another member of the room.
That, though, would require sending in ground troops - something the West will not do unless there is a peace agreement first.
Some companies also offer unlocking services that require sending the phone to be unlocked by a technician.
And only a small percentage of them could have been expected to enter the contest, which required sending trivia about the product to Appleton.