Some only required two horses and were called a "jerky", while others were pulled by four or six horses.
Each cowboy would require three to four fresh horses in the course of a day's work.
It weighs four tons and requires eight horses to pull it.
The two generators required four horses each, and the acid and balloon carts as many more.
The new reaper only required two horses working in a non-strenuous manner, a man to work the machine, and another person to drive.
The pedestal itself weighs 32 tons and required 16 horses to move it from the car to the place where it is now.
Learning from the first experience, siege engines were also added, including the "Varga-mortar" which required 80 horses to move.
The army's supply train required 6,000 horses, 1,500 oxen and 140 carts, but it was provided with less than half the necessary number of animals.
The box was a wooden framework covered with linen waterproofed with size which required only two horses to draw it.
The execution of this order cost £200 and required 10 carts, 80 horses, and 20 men to transport it to its destination.