The mosaic required 100,000 pieces of hand-fixed favrile glass in 260 different colors.
Each trap requires one rare piece and two common pieces.
Uematsu had originally calculated that the game would require more than 100 pieces of music, but he managed to reduce the number to 56.
He said such a system would require at least three pieces and perform some specific function to fit his notion of irreducibly complex.
For example, a sweater requires at least four pieces of fabric: two sleeves, the front piece, and the back piece.
With this method a numerically exact answer here requires only four pieces (five function values)!
A single uniform requires 154 pieces and takes nearly 32 hours and 3 fittings to complete.
"For two passengers and two horses, I shall require five gold pieces - each."
Large metal parts normally require two or more pieces that are cast and then joined together, adding to the manufacturing cost.
It requires two pieces of polarizing film and a light source such as a flashlight.