But then she realizes that, under Roman law, a will requires seven witnesses.
Nearly one hundred years later this rule was incorporated into the U.S. Constitution, which requires two witnesses to the same overt act.
In addition, the Constitution requires two witnesses to the same overt act.
Complex cases, which often require many expert witnesses and years of research, can cost that much to bring to trial.
In principle it is an extremely difficult offence to prove, requiring four respectable witnesses to the actual act of penetration.
Remember, when the two-witness rule applies, it does not actually require two witnesses.
If we are to pro- ceed, we require two witnesses.
The medical directive would also have required two unrelated witnesses.
Another of the Act's provisions required two white witnesses to testify to a Chinese person's immigration status.
Under the Sharia, conviction for adultery requires four witnesses; in this case they were the men from the Taliban.