It requires similar specialists to those who operated on Yordano, Ephros said.
Modern society requires specialists, a differentiation of interests and objectives, and therefore fails without pluralism.
Managing the German colonies required indigenous specialists for the colonial administration and economy, and many young Africans went to Germany to be educated.
ARS development requires dedicated specialists, since the programming paradigm is unique for this product.
Checking if students meet this standard requires specialists to grade work samples, and it requires trusting teacher evaluations of class projects.
Urban SAR requires hazardous material experts and structural specialists.
As campaigns became more reliant on television advertising, polling and complex direct-mail operations, they required specialists with skills that candidates and traditional campaign managers lacked.
Its realisation requires experts and specialists, thereby creating jobs.
Those with conditions that they can anticipate, like childbirth, or that require specialists, should study doctor panels with an eye toward their needs.
"Trebuchets were expensive and complicated machines, requiring specialists to build and operate," the manual explains.