The Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) establishes the amount of nutrients required daily to avoid deficiencies and allow the body to function properly.
Stanley was still required daily to report to police but reported for the last time on 1 April and an arrest warrant was issued.
At least one long walk is required daily to satisfy the needs of most Brittanys, and many Brittanys will need more than this.
Every student studies the subject, both in a specialized course required daily in all grades and through topics injected into other academic classes.
Chapel attendance singing Church of Christ hymns is required daily for all students.
When civilians found a man in uniform-especially the sort of overdressed uniform required daily at the Pentagon-who seemed to contradict the accepted manifestations of his profession, they warmed quickly.
This only ceased in 1813, and thereafter only one division was required daily until about 1837.
This increased Sureline's fleet up to twelve buses, and seven of these were required daily for services.
These should be on the front page every day, and should be required daily viewing for every person working at the White House.
Prior to then, the station was required to power down to 250 watts from sundown to sunrise daily.