Anyone else was required to contribute a small amount to cover the cost of utilities and rent for the building.
Would he not be required to contribute as much to baseball's revenue-sharing agreement?
Each is required to contribute $1,000 a month to help cover the cost of the voyage.
Employers are required to contribute 20 percent of a person's wages toward health and retirement programs.
All the commercial concessions are required to contribute a portion of their profits as well.
That was another point in my diary: given more land than before, but required to contribute most of what he produced to the revolution.
All workers would be required to contribute an extra 1.6 percent of their pay to new individual accounts.
Participating families are required to contribute about $1,000 annually toward the tuition.
Regional and local authorities are required to contribute to the delivery of these national targets.
An individual is not required to contribute either property or capital in order to be a partner.