This burdensome requirement mandated small businesses file 1099 forms with the IRS for the purchase of goods or services from a vendor totaling more than $600 a year.
To qualify as a host family, the following requirements mandated by the State Department must be met:
There may be requirements mandated by the school system regarding the plan.
This capital improvement program was primarily designed to ensure that the water system would meet various new requirements mandated by federal and state laws pertaining to safe drinking water.
There are no universal requirements mandated for seller financing.
Takeover law is still evolving in continental Europe, as individual countries slowly fall in line with requirements mandated by the European Commission.
They are inspected periodically by public-health officials, and forced to close if they do not meet hygienic requirements mandated by law.
NASA said it had met 5 of the 15 requirements mandated by the board investigating the loss of the shuttle Columbia before shuttles could be launched again.
Unbundled Network Elements (UNE) are a requirement mandated by the United States Telecommunications Act of 1996.
In addition to academic requirements mandated by the school board, a minimum of 28 hours of community service is required to graduate from North Cobb Christian School.