Your requirements necessitate a suitable birthing environment.
By 1950 the requirements of an expanding circulation had necessitated the relocation to larger premises in Stuttgart.
Various alterations were made to the station building as changing requirements necessitated them.
They must keep accurate records, but the requirements of confidentiality may necessitate keeping some disclosures from the patients' doctors.
It is likely that Rome intended to continue the conflict but that military requirements elsewhere in the empire necessitated a troop withdrawal and the opportunity was lost.
The requirement for some confession of faith necessitated the use of adults who acted as sponsors for the child.
But greater requirements for the optical properties and ballistic performance have necessitated the development of new materials.
Often new requirements necessitated gathering, cleaning and integrating new data from "data marts" that were tailored for ready access by users.
Thereafter, the requirements of more advanced airplanes necessitated improving or paving the center portion of the landing strip.
The present requirements necessitate a 20% industry contribution to funding when the EU provides a maximum of 50% of the funding.