Have an unusual requirement with specific capabilities or components required?
Some may have both, but more often not, because regulatory requirements require only one or the other.
The requirement to look through the class to the merits requires an immense amount of discovery that has not previously been required.
This requirement that the field be covered by the secondary results in very short range and usually requires a magnetic core.
These requirements are mostly industry standards and seldom require changes.
The requirements for this vary by country, but require more training than driving a passenger automobile.
The requirement of originality, it was held, does not require that expression be in an original or novel form.
Some we couldn't consider simply because their physical requirements would require too many expensive modifications to our ship.
These new requirements, requires students to take an additional year of mathematics, more business/ career tech class and less electives.
The standard can always be abridged if the requirements of the children require the case to be heard very quickly.