That requirement has resulted in considerable paperwork and duplication as banks filed reports with many agencies.
Many said the requirement would result in denying benefits to some poor people who were entitled to Medicaid but could not find the necessary documents.
Such requirements often result in huge drops in sales.
The requirement to manage this 'multiple bottom line' - financial, social and environmental - can result in unique challenges.
The requirement resulted in a more qualified group of applicants, Chief Bangham said.
The requirement resulted in the largest, heaviest and most powerful aircraft designed by Yakovlev so far.
These requirements resulted in an axle count of five axles.
Federal officials say the requirement will result in more organ transplants.
Firstly, national requirements of new builds and renovations will result in buildings that save considerably more energy.
In addition, the proposed requirement for 20 weeks' full pay would result in social regression.