These requirements do not only specify technical points such as bibliographical references and copyrights but also regarding ethical issues that may arise.
Businesses can obtain information on which products are subject to national technical requirements, and what those requirements specify.
Operational requirements also specify approx 50,000 pounds of thrust provided by one or preferably two engines, high-speed interception and supercruise capabilities, basic stealth technology, and multirole capabilities.
The requirement can specify different places on different days.
The requirements, issued in March that year, specified elevation of 45 and combat weight of no more than 1,500 kg.
As defined in requirements engineering, functional requirements specify particular results of a system.
To the above some add Externally Observable, that is, the requirement specifies a characteristic of the product that is externally observable or experienced by the user.
Second, a constraint limits design alternatives, whereas a requirement specifies design characteristics.
The signalling protocols used allow the application to specify its requirements and the network to specify what capacity etc. is available, and acceptable values for service parameters to be negotiated.
"No more than what I have already reported: a variation on the original Duncan Idaho and meeting all of the prana-bindu requirements we specified."