I slapped a requisition order on it when she joined.
There are several references here to Operation Stripes, and this paper here is the requisition order for preparing the tanks.
"I just came on ..." "Yes, but there should be a requisition order still on your desk from no more than an hour ago," Morgan snapped.
You got a requisition order, drew them from the stores, and plugged 'em in.
There was a beautiful fifteen-deck ship that was almost completed, but Worf had vetoed her requisition order.
How he had appeared, impeccably uniformed, with apparently genuine requisition orders for guns, ammunition, explosives, supplies.
Every document generated in the DO was classified, from a requisition order for toilet paper to invitations to office holiday parties.
"Who authorized this requisition order for sheathing for the phase shift grids on the sub-class ships?"
You know how long it would have taken to process the requisition order, and the voucher, and the departmental approval, and the authorization draft?
The Major's requisition order was marked "Eyes Only" and was shown only to the officer in charge of the HMV.