Wheelock came to the National Gallery of Art in 1973 as the "David E. Finley Fellow", and later he was also named the research curator.
By 1973, he was department chairman and he was named in 1990 as distinguished research curator.
Robert Darnton of Princeton University, Daniel Roche of the Sorbonne and Carla Hesse, research curator at the library, have wrought well.
According to Suzanne Vallenstein, the museum's research curator who organized the show, Mr. Herzman's Tang and Ming ceramics will fill out the museum's holdings in key areas.
Bethany is a research curator for the Snite Museum of Art at the University of Notre Dame.
Additionally, the Arizona Museum of Natural History has prominent research curators in the fields of paleontology and archeology/anthropology.
"They roll and rub and drool and lick for several minutes," said Cynthia Bennett, the zoo's research curator.
During 1980-81, he was a visiting research curator at the Art Institute of Chicago, studying of early Italian art.
Sampson resided in California at this time, but continued his research with the Utah museum as a research curator.