It would also provide information on resources (books, web pages, etc.) for researching both issues and the legislative process.
In the field of cognitive psychology, he primarily researches issues related to human memory and consciousness.
The foundation is active in researching the Perestroika era, current issues of Russian history and politics.
Woods has researched issues relating to women's health since the 1970s.
Mr. Buchanan has only two people researching issues for him in Washington.
Real-world training for students researching medical issues affecting the community will be a priority of the school.
The survey researches also issues related to youth entry into the work force.
Roundtable task forces spend a good deal of time researching major issues facing United States business.
Cohen has researched various issues with regard to nuclear weapons, including deterrence, morality, and proliferation.
Over the course of the speech season they research issues from a predetermined topic.