Each week the researchers contacted the coronary care units of the 35 hospitals and the doctors responsible for the care of the patients.
In 1991, a researcher named Gary Peak contacted Lloyd Patterson, a witness to the rescue and recovery operation.
The researchers tracked bathtub-injury cases that were handled by a pediatric trauma center and contacted the families for more information about what had happened.
The researchers regularly contacted the mothers to find out where their children were being cared for, and visited those caregivers to see how attentive and how skilled they were with the youngsters.
When the researchers contacted the families later, they found that within 30 days of being discharged, 2.8 percent had had heart disorders.
The researchers contacted family members, friends, old band mates.
In formulating its report, Community Voices Heard had researchers contact 737 WeCare participants from June 2005 to August 2006.
When researchers contact the National Archives to conduct research on their ancestors, they often ask about records relating to military service.
PhD candidates and visiting researchers should contact directly their preferred labs among 38 different research labs of the Ecoles Centrales.
Authorized researchers must contact the NPRC in writing concerning their projects.