On this basis,researcher infer that Xi Zun might be used to warm wine.
The researchers inferred that the inflammation of the muscles and periosteum would have caused additional complications in the lower region of the forelimb as well.
From the participants' responses the researchers inferred results applicable to the 21.5 million Americans in those age brackets.
Instead, the researchers "imputed" the genotypes, or inferred them from the available data.
If the baby looks at the new image for a longer time, the researchers may infer that the baby can distinguish different quantities.
A true experiment with random allocation of subjects to conditions allows researchers to infer causal relationships between different aspects of behavior and the environment.
The researchers inferred that Byrne and these families had a common ancestor about 57 to 66 generations ago (1425 to 1650 years ago).
The researchers inferred the bird's running ability from its leg and foot bones.
By measuring the apparent luminosity of the explosion from Earth, researchers can then infer the distance to supernova.
Commenting on such research behavior, Johns said in his review of the literature that researchers should not infer presenteeism from absenteeism data.