For each case, the researchers randomly selected a living patient to be part of a control group.
From an extensive battery of surveys on personality traits, religious beliefs and other psychological factors, the researchers selected 28 questions most relevant to political behavior.
The researchers next selected from the survey group nine women and six men who said they were good self-awakeners.
In their study, researchers selected 40 psychology students and 40 engineering students.
A full research service is also provided whereby expert researchers can select images to the customer's requirements.
Instead, researchers approach each problem independently and select a suitable model/algorithm.
Each independent researcher then selects and answers questions when they are available.
Rather, as in Michigan, researchers typically select the community they want to study and subject their survey to review before, during and after the process.
The researchers randomly selected about 2,000 of the 8,000 workers for study, and determined their injuries with medical examinations by physicians.
Because there is no unique solution, a researcher must select a single solution from the infinite possibilities.