This high cost and the complexity of the database means skilled researchers (rather than lawyers themselves) often undertake Lexis searching .
Now researchers are undertaking studies to see if treating gum disease can ward off heart and artery disease.
The researchers have undertaken a systematic analysis of insider threat, one that addresses technical challenges but also takes into account ethical, legal and economic dimensions.
This phenomenon is recognized sufficiently that researchers undertake studies to examine bias in past published studies.
Various researchers have undertaken efforts to examine the psychological effects of Internet use.
Late in the 19th century, researchers at clark University in Worcester, Mass., undertook perhaps the largest study of children that had ever been tried.
"The important issue is when possible to try to have science inform policy," Dr. Fischman said in an interview, explaining why the researchers undertook the project.
The researchers undertook an exhaustive series of experiments to identify which gram-positive bacteria would be affected by which compounds.
Sometimes it even appears that performance is going backward, as researchers undertake harder tasks that have higher error rates.
The Institute has a scientific committee, a scientific consulting, research groups enable researchers to undertake projects in the framework of a research team.