After three months, the researchers report, the patients who received the collagen showed improvement that was significant when compared with the control group.
Finger weakness interfered with one patient's work, the researchers report.
And in this case, though the monkey's cells have the gene, they are not making the protein, the researchers report.
Women whose hot flashes persisted throughout menopause were not at any increased risk for heart disease, stroke, or death, the researchers report.
Moreover, the researchers report, people with other brain diseases appear to respond normally to the eye drops.
And the positive effects of the training, the researchers report, lasted for at least six months.
Nearly 14,000 U.S. women died from the cancer last year, the researchers report.
The gene, the researchers report, begins its work in the seventh week of pregnancy, somewhere from the 43d to the 49th day.
The researchers report, "On average, taller people earn more because they are smarter.
White, black and Hispanic students give remarkably similar answers to most questions, the researchers report.