Harmonie: A four part form resembling closely the symphonie at the end of the 18th century.
The glasses resemble those worn by viewers of three-dimensional movies at a movie theater.
Even when political life does shift into something resembling second gear at midweek, many politicians and businessmen will still be out of town.
For the next four days, there is no one resembling Abdullah at reception, nor will there be.
One critic sees it as the book that Cowper's other novels resemble at heart.
That may explain why the Giants, getting worse by the week, have now turned into something resembling the bearded lady at the circus.
I had best say something about these aeroplanes since they resemble not at all the aerodynes you are used to.
And he certainly didn't resemble that creature at the door this morning.
Kenan rarely does anything resembling work at the store.
Swirling with colors, it resembled at first glance nothing more sinister than a child's marble.