The scheduling became a major issue - many reporters liked the show and resented seeing it thrown away.
Fans resent seeing their favorite player suddenly bolt to the opposition, and they can't identify with a team that is a constantly changing crazy quilt.
Many Russians, in fact, raised as they are on proletarian egalitarianism, resent seeing budding entrepreneurs earn more than they do in their blue-collar jobs.
He had played the role of martyr so long he resented seeing any one else in the part.
Many of the children interviewed said they resented seeing their town depicted as gun-crazy.
I resent not seeing!
He had served under Sean for some time, and resented seeing him replaced.
Many voters resent seeing America's resources exploited to solve the problems of other nations and insist their leaders focus attention on problems at home, particularly the economy and violent crime.
The Soviet press is full of stories about attacks on privately owned cooperative restaurants and other small service shops by people who resent seeing others do well.
A local schoolteacher said she resented seeing Persian markets along Middle Neck Road, the peninsula's main thoroughfare.