In the doorway of his closed, darkened shop, Garak watched her with a resentful expression.
Whatever the topic under discussion, they automatically began with some resentful expression of moral outrage.
Her eyes, adjusted to the shadows, clearly read the boy's resentful expression.
There were four Crusaders on guard, their expressions dull and resentful.
She went on reading; a slim fair-haired girl, still arrestingly pretty but now with a settled resentful expression.
Hugh Murdoch and Ellen Gunn, the other nonborns, ate their porridge, smoked goose breast, and hot fruit compote with resentful expressions, knowing that they would now have to do Dee and Ken's chores as well as their own.
A slim woman Roger hadn't noticed before opened it to admit a plump young fellow with a bundlesome overcoat and a resentful expression.
By -' He broke off, an almost resentful expression flitting across his face.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the resentful expressions on Faye's and Marvin's faces; they didn't like this grilling of their director.
Olmy . . ." Lanier focused on Olmy, his expression unhappy and resentful.