It was an obviously misplaced anger, an expression of pain and with no real resentment aimed at Brother Justice.
How could we have grown so insensitive to the resentment aimed at us?
One of the few similarities is that the city of Albany is roiled on occasion by racial resentment, often aimed at the police.
Jeffrey Lewis's Bad Comedian strip focused on the Joker acting out the lyrics to the song, with his drunken resentment aimed at Watchmen character, The Comedian.
Delays like these have stirred strong resentment, often aimed at the guerrilla leadership.
Alyss attends one of these rallies in a disguise, attempting to find out the truth of whether the Clubs are plotting against her and also trying to understand the resentment being aimed towards her.
The resentment aimed at Russians - the term is often used loosely here to include all residents who are not fluent in the Estonian language - has simmered since the Soviet Union forcibly annexed the independent state of Estonia in 1940.