I think that the very obvious resentment so many of them feel because they are no longer "on the inside track" does them no credit whatsoever.
Portnoy speculated that any resentment or jealousy Moore felt because of this may have influenced his decision.
What made his resentment feel so fresh?
And such inequality seems likely to increase the resentment felt in poorer countries toward the super-rich United States.
It also describes the resistance and resentment felt by many of the people who have worked with Ellison in the movie business.
The accusation of witchcraft was a scapegoat to display any suppressed anger and resentment felt.
Now, spurred by Mr. Milosevic, they're making their resentment felt in the streets.
But in the next breath, all the anger and resentment felt on both sides of the ethnic divide of Kosovo spilled out.
Holmes felt that instinctive slight resentment a man feels when he lacks a position of authority in the presence of a woman.
Her resentment felt an awful lot like a wronged wife's.