But resentment remains about the agency's sometimes bullying tactics.
Karatek would have to monitor Shavokh to learn whether people's envy and resentment remained under control.
But there remains great resistance and some resentment of the way the United States has presented its case.
The resentment against the job remained, perhaps grew; he found it difficult to sustain any real dislike of the man.
But on a personal level, the resentments of a long bitter history remain.
The passage of time has blunted the once-sharp feelings against the Japanese, even if some resentments remain.
There also remains some resentment on both sides over several highly disputed calls by officials last season.
He found that the resentment created by his accusations of bragging remained.
But progress has been stalled and the resentments remain.
Yet 20 years after the start of the insurgency, hostility and resentment remain in Kashmir.