They need reservations and advane payment to make it work.
It is difficult to fathom why, with a reservation made well in advance, we are too often given the least desirable place in the room.
It may even be that that reservation made the experience sweeter.
However, while reservation did not make male villagers more sympathetic to the idea of female leaders, it caused them to recognize that women could lead.
Those making reservations have made a deposit of 10 percent of the cost.
These reservations made, let us now consider some of the different approaches which have been adopted in presenting the curriculum to children.
Details about these and other events can be obtained and reservations can made by calling 212-675-4984.
"Until the word about what we are doing got out, not one organization or reservation ever made an attempt to bring it home before."
Because of a rebellious stomach, I'd canceled reservations made at another restaurant across town and thought we'd find something near our hotel.
These reservations do not, however, make the best citizens or the most happy marriages.