The reserves should have held about $210 million at the end of 1989, but amounted to less than $50 million.
As of 1 June 2011 reserves of the mine amounted to 11.6 million tons.
The Texas Eastern unit's proven reserves amounted to 128 million barrels of oil at the end of 1987, excluding 38 million barrels that were later sold.
They hover between Catholicism and Protestantism to the extent that Protestant art historians in 19th-century Germany claimed that the spiritual reserve of his figures amounted to pre-Reformation antireligiosity.
Dealers here said that last week the central bank had had to spend about one billion dollars to support the drachma but that its reserves amounted to only nine billion dollars.
At Continental, the reserve amounted to $500 million.
India's foreign reserves barely amounted to US$1 billion, enough to pay for a few weeks of imports, in comparison to US$283 billion today.
The pretax reserve amounted to $3,591,000.
AMD was formed in 1995 and by 30 June 1997, the net reserves amounted to R3.2 million compared with the original operating forecast of R1.4 million.
As the company announced earlier, such reserves amounted to $500 million in the second quarter and $200 million in the fourth.