The reserve includes about half the Limewoods in the area.
Other known reserves include natural bitumen (42 billion tons).
But the Central Bank's reserves are not unlimited, and include $4.8 billion in gold, which cannot be immediately spent.
According to state officials, the reserve includes 340 cattle ranches, many run by white families who have lived there for several generations.
Proven reserves only include conventional oil in fields that have already been developed and determined to be economical to produce.
Other smaller areas and reserves within the state park include:
The reserve includes $100 million to cover expected financing costs through mid-1992 at the company's troubled land-development projects in Texas.
The reserve includes kauri trees as old as 300 years.
This reserve includes a brackish lagoon and area of woodland.
Japan's military and economic reserves included only a year and a half's worth of oil.