Some residents applauded after the explosion.
In all three neighborhoods, most residents applauded the closings; most of the men who operated, or patronized, the clubs did not.
The cheers continued outside as residents applauded a passing convoy of officers.
But some local residents do not applaud Microsoft's expansion.
Whenever that happens, residents will applaud, if Hicks Street is any indication.
Some residents are applauding the ban, while others fret.
"People in my neighborhood really despise you," she told the men, recalling how residents have applauded when a John gets arrested.
Pulling back the controls, he soared into the air as nearly two hundred residents and townspeople applauded.
Many residents applauded him; many others accused him of turning their homes into prisons.
Many residents, including the chairwoman of the block association, Renee Williams, applaud the police.