By then, with the school day over, the neighborhood where the violence occurred once again appeared to be the serene and seemingly safe place that many residents boast about.
Those ties helped him gain acceptance in Buchanan, where residents boast how many generations they go back.
One of the town's favorite diversions is the Millbrook Orchestra, a classy group of three dozen musicians; many residents boast that they live in the nation's smallest town with its own symphony orchestra.
Two weeks later, homeless unit resident Bryan Gallagher visited police station to file a claim that his fellow resident, John McAlinden, had boasted about the murders the night before.
Here in western Poland, in what residents boast is the oldest diocese of a fervently Roman Catholic country, it was the priests who reported the many whispers of homosexual advances by the local archbishop - and the priests who got the Vatican to take some action.
Local residents boast that there are only a couple of chain stores downtown, and the feel is more organic and independent than in other cities.
Things improved, and for a while the residents of many towns could boast that they never needed to lock their doors.
Artega residents often boast that they have a year-round median temperature of 72 F., and say theirs is the "most perfect" climate in North America.
She grew up on stories about the days when this terminus of the Erie Canal was one of the busiest ports in the world, the meeting place, residents boasted, of Western supply and Eastern demand.