And now its residents are bracing for higher sewer rates with few, if any, resources to pay them.
One moment, residents braced for war, taping windows to guard against flying glass and bundling their families off to the countryside.
The plan now faces a lengthy environmental review, and residents are bracing for an uphill fight.
Already, residents here were bracing themselves, fearing they would become targets.
Meanwhile residents brace themselves for another concert in two weeks time.
Now, the residents are bracing for more.
But residents of 620 Broadway, many of whom paid at least $500,000 for their apartments, are bracing for a long battle.
Now, with the Israeli military imposing a curfew throughout southern Lebanon, local residents are bracing for what might be coming next.
As lights flickered and in some buildings went out, residents braced for the worst.
States are assessing how residents fared this winter and are bracing for next year.