Each cemetery appears to have a resident caretaker, but what function he performs is unclear.
The very best flats have a resident caretaker who keeps a watchful eye over the block and is there to help in emergencies.
From 1782 until 1814 there was only the resident caretaker to guard the regalia and other jewels at the Tower of London.
A resident caretaker is employed by the company to patrol the watershed and abate violation of the rules.
These southern watersheds are also patrolled by a resident caretaker.
There are no resident caretakers, but association field personnel patrol regularly.
For a decidedly non-Singaporean experience, take an early morning stroll through the grounds and chat with the resident caretaker.
In 1857, the city boundaries were extended to include the cemetery, and the city charter provided for a resident caretaker.
This person would also be the manager or 'resident caretaker' of the house, and, later, of the museum.
Today an eighth-generation descendant lives there as the resident caretaker.