For many decades, residents of the castle in Wiśnicz contributed various legacies to the monastery.
The residents of tiny New Glarus contributed to other American wars, too.
Many residents with frontages onto unmade roads had already contributed 50 percent of the cost of the work.
The court also held that residents "contribute more taxes to the state and its municipalities than do nonresidents who merely work within the state."
Art exhibitions have been based on Tepito and the area boasts a number of literary journals to which residents contribute.
Less clear these days is what Hoboken's new residents have contributed to the renewal of the community.
Current and former residents contributed $350,000 toward the society's new home.
(The local residents had raised and contributed $13,000 for the mission.)
The central square was recently renovated after residents contributed to a six figure sum towards the project.
In 1888 the residents and frequent patrons of Glen Summit contributed the money for a chapel.