The writer is resident scenic designer at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.
He is the resident designer for Karole Armitage Gone!
James Morgan, the company's resident designer, says that the demands of the space compel him to stretch the boundaries of his imagination.
Mr. Dreves created the bowl when he was 26, long before he became the company's second resident designer.
Truda Carter remained resident designer at Poole Pottery until her retirement in 1950.
Don Miner, the resident designer, tailors the house to the buyer's specifications and life style.
The genuinely glamorous, beautifully finished costumes were by Mike Gonzales, the company's gifted resident designer, who died two years ago.
This is a nightmare for most set designers, but the resident designer, Fred Sprauer, almost always manages to come up with something innovative and appropriate.
He has been resident designer at Trinity Rep since 1967.
In the 1970s he was resident designer at Brickel Associates.