The residents and visitors to the city experienced a wide array of reactions, from stunned disbelief to rage.
In the book Collier argues that there are many countries whose residents have experienced little, if any, income growth over the 1980s and 1990s.
The town's residents have experienced casualties, arrests and displacement throughout the ongoing Syrian civil war.
Not all residents are experiencing chronic health effects.
The eight residents of a 'mobile' house with ten wheels experienced fantastic adventures together.
Never had the residents experienced such dreadful occurrences, and men began each day by looking westward.
Each resident experienced 6.6 potential errors, with the most common being an attempt to give drugs at the wrong time.
Local residents experienced few disruptions in their homes.
Several earthquake fault lines pass through Turner; and its residents often experience earth tremors.
Urban and rural residents experienced significant differences in access to health care.