June 27, 2008 The other Wieringerrandmeer presented an alternative plan between residents and farmers gathered in environmental organizations.
Smiling residents gathered on sidewalks to share their relief, and more people ventured out in cars.
As residents gathered in the neighborhood yesterday, the questions were the same: "Why couldn't they have thrown a net over him?"
Yesterday morning, hundreds of residents gathered around the cordoned-off area where the mother and children had fallen.
This bespectacled man was standing in the portico of the humble house, discussing something with a few residents gathered around him.
Harper got a warm welcome with many residents gathered at the airport to greet him.
"It's very good if they cut off trade after what has happened to us," said one man as a clutch of anxious-looking residents gathered around journalists.
Yesterday morning more than 50 residents gathered in front of the Queens apartment building, some crying and others appearing dazed.
There are a half-dozen residents gathered in the downstairs lobby, and one of them says to you, "Got him!"
There are five residents gathered in the pod known as 7-C.