In thinking back, every Democratic administration has had a resident in-house intellectual.
At the Garden, Bill Bradley is forever the resident intellectual in perpetual motion.
Mullins was seen as the Fed's "resident intellectual" due to his background as a professor in finance.
When the tiles don't fit, Darek Marzec, the resident intellectual, is called into action.
In Washington, she was described as the department's "resident intellectual," and she began her effort to create a national curriculum.
While busying himself with everything and intruding in every imaginable matter, Homais considers himself the resident intellectual of Yonville--and in this respect Flaubert paints him as a fool.
The resident intellectual is the youthful but graying policy adviser and outside-advice conduit Joshua Bolten.
Growing up in the Alfred E. Smith Houses in a tough part of the Lower East Side, Mr. Cintron was the resident intellectual.
Private Plato-the Camp's resident intellectual (as Tom Lehrer might say, "brings a book to every meal"); bespectacled, given to scrawling long-winded, analytical, often philosophical graffiti.
Working in an office filled with books he willingly lent to interested students, he became known as the school's "resident intellectual."