While their commander is Sunni, residents interviewed over the past two weeks said they did not have the slightest faith in them.
Living under military rule, in a state of war, most residents interviewed in Kinshasa expressed support for Mr. Kabila.
Across Kabul today, residents interviewed said unanimously that a United Nations peacekeeping force was needed in Afghanistan.
Police Complicity Charged Some residents interviewed after the attack accused the police of assisting the attackers.
Of the dozen residents interviewed none had received any aid, or even talked to a government official.
Yet residents interviewed in several neighborhoods of Ecatepec described a variety of questionable campaign tactics.
But many residents interviewed here predicted that today's attack would set back prospects for an Israeli withdrawal any time soon.
More than one resident interviewed likened sign-outs to a game of telephone, in which information gets lost as it passes from one doctor to the next.
The only resident interviewed who said anything bad about the Police Chief or the others would not give his name.
Several residents interviewed yesterday declined to give their names for fear of retaliation.