Today, residents of Tocumen, a poor neighborhood, marched through the streets carrying placards and waving white banners.
Life in El Castillo is hard, and many residents packed up long ago and marched across the Costa Rican border a few miles away.
In Brooklyn last spring, several hundred residents marched along Flatbush Avenue, stopping at drug-dealing corners and then moving on.
On July 9, the day after residents marched on his office, Councilman Martin Malav-Diln signed a pledge to clean and fence the lot.
Several local politicians have joined the fight, and more than 150 residents marched during the snowstorm two weeks ago to protest the cuts.
All around the Naples area, residents moaned and marched.
Lacking cars, taxi fare or even bicycles to commute to work, the residents marched in protest on Nov. 14, defying the city's refusal to issue a permit.
On March 26, 2007, a few thousand supporters and former residents marched to Homesh and declared their wish to stay and rebuild.
In 1971, Berkeley's City Council members stopped saying the Pledge of Allegiance at meetings, and residents marched and rallied to show their sympathies.
In northwest Changping County, where residents marched in a pro-Government demonstration a month ago, people criticized the "thugs."