Once residents came to know their officers and met regularly with them, they began providing a constant flow of tips.
Another longtime resident would meet only away from the building, where no one could see her talking.
Every day, residents and staff have met for discussions around the long, hand-carved oak table in the conference room.
The village is small enough that most residents know one another and meet on a regular basis.
According to village lore, the name was changed in 1846 when residents met to find a better name for its new post office.
The residents of the home and the neighbors met once a month.
The residents of each street meet to decide their theme.
By chance, later residents met with a variety of misfortunes and rarely remained for more than a few years.
On the last day, all the final residents met at the school auditorium to say goodbye.
This month the residents of Sagaponack met to vote on the school budget.