Frampton is a permanent resident of the USA.
Windows Marketplace was only available for residents of the USA and some other countries.
Your response would suggest that you are a resident of the USA - and in serious need of an irony transplant.
Euro-dollar time deposits are held by residents and non-residents of the USA.
They have been residents of the USA since 1989 and have a son Sai Karthik (born 1998) who is a student of the Mridangam Maestro Dr.Trichy Sankaran.
Khan, a Pakistani who was a legal resident of the USA, who completed his high school and University education in Maryland, is the first of the "high value detainees" to meet with a lawyer.
He settled in the Topanga region of the city and has been a resident of the USA since that time.
She is a citizen of Israel and a permanent resident of the USA.
This website is available to residents of Europe and the USA and it is estimated that the site's creators will soon recoup their investment.
X is a citizen if X is born outside the USA and X is a resident of the USA and X is naturalized.