The residents range in age from the 69-year-old matriarch, Flora Shaginyan, to her granddaughter, Anna, who is 18 months old.
At the five homes his organization oversees, residents range in age from 22 to 78.
"It was started to give older, healthy people an alternative to nursing homes," said Ms. Marlin, who noted that the current residents range from 65 to 93 years old.
The current residents range in age from 31 to 107.
The average family income in the last census was $53,000, but residents range from the very wealthy - Eddie Murphy has a house there - to about 20 percent low-income.
Temporary residents (employed by various firms with local interests) can range as high as 3,000.
Mr. Auble's proposal, and his tactics, have divided this village, whose residents range from artists and university professors to farmers and working-class people.
The home's residents range in age from 6 to 35, he said, and some have a variety of health problems that make them more vulnerable to serious illness.
The residents range from people receiving Section 8 housing assistance to successful investment bankers who want their kids to grow up with a sense of the culture of their homelands.
There are significant efforts in the community to reassert a sense of identity, and residents range from Downtown workers and long-time residents to university students and health professionals.